In general the game loves handing out dueling swords, bastard swords, heavy maces, and scimitars If you want blunt weapons, you can't go wrong with Heavy Maces There's an item you can get relatively early on the Mallet of Woe which has higher than normal damage dice, is 3, and gives you a continual Freedom of Movement effect In Pathfinder Kingmaker, the power of your heroes depends heavily on the items they are equipped with Depending on which weapons or armor you prefer, you can skill talents that unlock additional bonuses (such as weapon focus or weapon specialization) Knowing in advance which type of weapon or armor to use best will help a lot Fighter Greater Weapon Focus Bastard Sword // Greater Shield Focus 16 Fighter 17 Alchemist Blind Fight // Feral Mutagen 18 Alchemist 19 Fighter Skill Focus

Unfair Guide Pathfinder Kingmaker Neoseeker
Pathfinder kingmaker large bastard sword weapon focus
Pathfinder kingmaker large bastard sword weapon focus-Hendric is an enemy in Pathfinder Kingmaker Hendric is a bandit who used to work for the Stag Lord Hendric, Berta, and Shortie may be hired into the player's guard depending on how their interaction goes Bastard Sword 1 Light Shield 2 Scalemail 2Shield Focus Details Prerequisites Shield Proficiency Effect (s) Increase the AC bonus granted by any shield you are using by 1 Shield Focus is a feat in Pathfinder Kingmaker

Pathfinder Kingmaker Elven Curve Blade
Coverage of various locations, side quests and companion quests; pathfinder kingmaker beast shape 4 New Pages Rogue and Slayer trapfinding now give scaling bonuses to trickery skill Domain available to the Cleric, Druid and Inquisitor classes in Pathfinder Kingmaker More than that, however, a sinister, primordial force has her own interests in the Stolen Lands, and a desire to see new rulers riseâCoverage of various locations, side quests and companion quests;
If you are playing with respecs, I recommend having her focus on earthbreakers or greatswords early on and then respeccing to bastard swords later Starting Stats Barbarian level 1 Str 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 Skills Athletics 1, Mobility 1, Lore Nature 1, Perception 1 Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard SwordUpdated 2106 Exotic Weapon Proficiency is a Feat in Pathfinder Kingmaker Feats can give your character various bonus or allow them to perform all sorts of actions Choose one type of exotic weapon such as the dueling sword or sai You understand how to use that type of exotic weapons in combat, and can utilize any special So, don't use Dazzling on Amiri, just enjoy Shatter Defenses Also, you'll most likely have some good weapons for Amiri to use around this part of the game which aren't bastard swords Don't obsess about them just because you have a Weapon Focus having a good weapon is much more important Good bastard swords will come to you in time
R/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 35 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons The games are similar to classic RPG games such asPathfinder kingmaker large bastard sword weapon focus Added a metal ring in the middle of the handle The last is Unstoppable Khanda I haven't found a bastard sword with 'better' stats than the 1 flaming bastard sword I acquired in Chapter 1 Longswords are few and far between and in a fantasy rpg, that's just bad form!Sword Saint is an Archetype of the Magus class in Pathfinder Kingmaker Sword Saint tips and build help please Last Update Lampros The two weapon fighter is deadly in a brawl or oneonone with another big brute A Sword Saint is the best tank in the game, by far even when Str based It is explained explicitly in the FAQs

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Pathfinder Kingmaker Elven Curve Blade
Take Weapon Focus at 5, Shatter Defenses at 9 and Wings at 11 7//7/18 stats for those I picked Halfling mostly cause there are way too many simars, so I armags 2h bastard sword is pretty dope as it gives spells dragon's essense greataxe is nice to have in swap as it gives dragonkind III think there is another 5 greataxe with a lot of mods if I remember correctly it also helps that most of those come from a master fauchards are ok too and are spaced decently in the 2nd half of the game Note that a weapon can only be in one group How to install Download and install Unity Mod Manager Download the mod Extract the archive and put the mod folder into 'Mods' folder (eg "\Steam\steamapps\common\Pathfinder Kingmaker\Mods" or

Unfair Guide Pathfinder Kingmaker Neoseeker

Pathfinder Kingmaker Games Quarter To Three Forums
A safe way to do this is pick a weapon type your companions focus on, but you don't want to use in your party So bastard sword (Val, Amiri), kukri (Nok Nok), longbow (Ekun) are your safe bets as they are integrated into companion and main quests Based on my experience, I would also add scimitar, mace, longsword, great axe5) Weapon focus Great sword or Bastard Sword 6) Renewed Vigor 7) Outflank 8) Swift Foot 9) Improved Critical Great sword or Bastard Sword 10) Increased Damage Reduction 11) Power Attack 12) Increased Damage Reduction 13) Cleave 14) Fearless Rage 15) Cleaving Finish 16) Increased Damage Reduction 17) Great Cleave 18) Infernal Fortitude 191) Toughness, Exotic Weapon proficiency 2) Lethal Stance 3) Armour Focus Medium armour 4) preserve organs (grenadier 2nd level) 5) Weapon focus Great sword or Bastard Sword 6) Renewed Vigor 7) Outflank 8) Swift Foot 9) Improved Critical Great sword or Bastard Sword 10) Increased Damage Reduction 11) Power Attack 12) Increased Damage

Two Weapon Fighting Pathfinder Kingmaker

Pathfinder Kingmaker Melee Builds Pathfinder Kingmaker Vivisectionist Build
All Feats in Pathfinder Kingmaker Name Effects Requirements Ability Focus Bombs Add 2 to the DC for all saving throws against the bombs Bomb or Arcane Bombs Accomplished Sneak Attacker Gives an additional 1d6 sneak attack This is Pathfinder Kingmaker mod It introduces new classes Hunter with following archetypes Divine Hunter, Forester, Primal Companion Hunter, Feral Hunter, TotemBonded and Feykiller, Dwarven war axe and bastard sword can be used as martial weapons if wielded twohanded; Through the game Potion of Heroism you find Amiri in the Pathfinder Tales short Weapon Focus bastard Sword is a major spoiler to hint that a certain weapon can be by Covered on this page play Pathfinder Kingmaker is the first isometric partybased computer RPG set in the Pathfinder universe


Pathfinder Kingmaker 5 By Robc04 Games Quarter To Three Forums
Weapon Focus Bastard Sword Cure Light Wounds 4 The Pathfinder Kingmaker guide includes a full walkthrough of the game's main campaign, including various side quests, companion quests and strategies Inside the guide Walkthough for the main campaign; Here you will find a list of all companions in Pathfinder Kingmaker, their locations, special features, romances as well as tips on skills and equipment Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword), Weapon Specialisation (Bastard Sword), Improved Critical (Bastard Sword), Armor Proficiency (Heavy Armor), Shield Focus, GreaterPathfinder Kingmaker Unfair Guide For supplementary reading, see Gear and/or Builds Contents Dragon Disciple Weapon Focus Bastard Sword 14 Fighter Dazzling Display 15

Pathfinder Kingmaker Best Two Handed Weapon

Weapon Focus Plus At Pathfinder Wrath Of The Righteous Nexus Mods And Community
Large Bastard Sword 5, Oversized, Anarchic, Speed Manipulates reality allowing you to cast a small assortment of spells from Abjuration and Transmutation schools;The Paizo SRD There are a lot of classes to choose from in Pathfinder Kingmaker but some offer more than others Red Bad, useless options, or options which are extremely situational Gets a few feats in the way and counts as fighter levels Although her signature weapon is a bastard sword, she will outgrow it quickly and there reallyThe most represented weapon is the dueling sword It doesn't have a 10 right away, but the best one (Bloodhound) has 10 (it's not keen) and has a good on hit effect However, I find myself liking the rapier You get a 1 agile one on Stag Lord Fortress You can buy a 2 agile one after you own your barony

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Pathfinder Kingmaker Bastard Sword Vs Greatsword
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Bastard Sword, Weapon Focus Bastard Sword The Pathfinder Kingmaker guide includes a full walkthrough of the game's main campaign, including various side quests, companion quests and strategies Inside the guide Walkthough for the main campaign;Each round you risk losing See "Bastard, Sword" for the Pathfinder Tales short story A bastard sword has a blade that is generally around four feet in length and an elongated handle, making it too difficult to use onehanded without specialized training On Golarion There have been a number of powerful or wellknown bastard swords on Golarion, including


Hendric Pathfinder Kingmaker Wiki
Weapons in Pathfinder Kingmaker are covered on this page Weapons include swords, wands, axes, firearms etc You can get the weapons through quest reward, enemy loots or purchase from NPCs The use of each weapon in Pathfinder Kingmaker will depend on the proficiency of the character used Weapon Proficiency is a Feat in Pathfinder KingmakerWeapon Focus Bastard Sword In Pathfinder Kingmaker, Armor Class and buffs determine your survivability, not your Hit Points, so Valerie's incredible Constitution score will help a lot less than you might think Her Dexterity is only 13, which is high enough for feats like Dodge and Combat Expertise, but it won't contribute much to herPathfinder kingmaker ginormous sword weapon focus;

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Pages in category "Exotic weapons" The following 66 pages are in this category, out of 66 totalMagic items are a special category of items, imbued with the arcane, the unknown, and most definitely the powerful 1 Weapons 2 Armors 21 Cloths 3 Shields 31 Bucklers 32 Light Shields 33 Heavy Shields 34 Tower Shields 4 Accessories 41 Cloaks 42 Helmets 43 Belts 44 Necklaces 45 Boots 46 Bracers 47 Gloves 48 Rings 5 Usable Items 51 Metamagic Rods 52 Quivers 53 OilsBut, about weapon focus, i really don't think it is worth, even for a str magus (i'm playing one) Magus has plenty of other feats that you probably should get before focus If you really need to hit something, get the arcana to use wands with spell combat and bring a

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Valerie is a heavy armor and tower shield using Fighter with very rigid ideas of right and wrong She has the unique special ability Valorous, which gives her a 2 inherent bonus to str and cha This is a melee tank build, and she will be the best, strongest, and most consistent tank you will get, unless your main character is a dedicated tankGreater Weapon Focus Pathfinder Kingmaker Greater Weapon Focus is a Feat in Pathfinder Kingmaker Feats can give your character various bonus or allow them to perform all sorts of actions Choose one type of weapon (including unarmed strike) for which you have already selected Weapon Focus You are a master at your chosen weaponDueling sword can be used as martial weapon, in this case it is no

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Amiri Slashes Into Battle By Theperpetual On Deviantart
Starting feats, Toughness and Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), relatively weak/niche Dropped by Kean where you find Amiri in the House at the Edge of Time In our full Pathfinder Kingmaker class guide below, we break down each main class, as well as the three alternate class archetypes that swap out key features for more customization A mod which makes Weapon Focus and other skills/feats which use a specific weapon type (Improved Critical etc) to also work for other weapons in the same weapon group Bastard Sword, Dueling Sword, Elven Curve Blade, Estoc, Falcata, Falchion, Greatsword, Longsword, (eg "\Steam\steamapps\common\Pathfinder Kingmaker\Mods" or your GOGPathfinder kingmaker ginormous sword weapon focus Home;

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Bastard Sword is a weapon in Pathfinder Kingmaker Akaia's Honor Amiri's Triumph Broken Ginormous Sword Ginormous Sword Graveyard of Giants Martyr's Blade Nilak's Sacrifice Oppressor Ovinrbaane, Enemy of All Enemies Ravena's Kiss Reforged Ginormous Sword Unstoppable Khanda You have just as many options as a Str build who focused on that weapon (Longsword, scimitar, falcata, bastard sword, whatever) If you don't want to focus on a specific weapon, then use whatever best Dex weapon you find (like the punching dagger Desiderius posted), but you indicated that you were interested in focusing on a weapon

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